We went to the zoo on Saturday with Matt's family. It was a beautiful day! I think the last time I went to the zoo was when I was in high school. So it was high time to go again. It must have been a cold winter at Hoogle Zoo because there were tons of baby animals. A baby elephant, baby giraffe, 3 baby tiger cubs, and a baby monkey! It was so fun to see all those cute babies! Livvy could have cared less about the animals but she did enjoy being out in the fresh air and sunshine and hangin' with some of her favorite people!
Savannah!!!! You are SO BEAUTIFUL!! Cute pictures! Livvy gets cuter and cuter every day!
Sorry we missed the zoo adventure. It looks like you had a great time. Still love that little sweater on Ms. Livvy.
I loved what you titled this post! I'm glad that you had a fun time. It sure does sound like there were a lot of new little ones to see at the zoo this year.
Jason and I went to the zoo to see all the babies, too! It was really fun! I am sure that Livvy actually was internalizing all of her surrounding and loving every second, her baby face just couldn't express it. =) Such cute pictures!!
Livvy is soooo cute--and getting so big! How are you guys doing? I guess you'll be in IF this weekend for the baptism, right? Wish we were there too!
Savannah you look Beeee-utiful!
That was SO much fun-- we can't wait to go with you guys again-- maybe next time Livvy & Mara can share some cotton candy & we can all RIDE THE TRAIN!!!
That looked really fun! I'm sorry we missed out. Livvy is getting so big. I need to see her again soon!
Looks like a great trip to the zoo. I'm glad they didn't try to put Matt in the gorilla chamber again like last time, that was an embarrassing mistake! Don't worry, lil' bro, I think you are beautiful, no matter how much hair you grow.
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