Okay, okay, I'm sure you were all onto our little Indy tease. So...we don't really have a mansion of a house on 10 acres of land. We are just trying to get all our friends and family to move out to Indianapolis and we thought false advertising was the way to go. Thanks for humoring us. This is a picture of our real house. Not quite as stunning as the first house but it suits us just fine...actually more than just fine. We absolutely LOVE our new home! Our current project is picking out paint colors. I had no idea how hard this was going to be. Once I get the 700 paint samples picked up off the floor I will post pics of the inside.
Well, it worked for us... we were ready to ditch IF tomorrow and come live with you!!! :)
I love, love, love the REAL house!!! It is beautiful!! I can't wait to see pictures of the inside!! It looks so big! Albeit, not quite as big as the first one, but definitely more practical --- who would want to have to clean that first one, anyway?? :)
Picking paint is SO hard, and almost not worth it b/c it is so stressful!!! Sometimes, I wish I could just have someone pick the color for me --- the good thing, though, is that if you choose the wrong one you just paint over it :)
Happy Painting! Post inside pics soon. I can't wait to see Liv's nursery!!!
Can't wait to see the inside... and hopefully we'll be able to visit while you guys live out that way!
LOVE it!!!
Look how good that Ford Focus w/ Utah license plates looks in your very own driveway. Would have looked a little better if Livvy and Jada were on the driveway too, maybe next picture.
Okay, you know were dishonest people who post a deceitful picture of a supposed home go to live....in a very nice home in Indy!! I love the welcoming look of your home-sweet-home. Can't wait to see pictures of the inside once it is painted...be sure and utilize all the help in your house to get the paint job done quickly -Matt, Livvy and Jada, for more hands will make the paint job go faster:)
You tricksters! I think everyone was ready to up and move to Indy!Your home looks awesome! Brand new everything! Look at that driveway. No oil marks or tire marks. Nobody has ever used your toilets before, or painted your walls a thousand times, etc. Cool.
Niiiiice. I assume that it has regal guest quarters?? Can't wait to see it-- it suits you guys (much better than the mansion did, anyway). Luv ya!!
I don't need any convincing, if I could work it out I would be there tomorrow! You and Matt need to drive down to Brown County and check out the beautiful fall leaves--Nashville, IN. I MISS INDY!!!!!!!!
Have you notice yet people talk counties instead of cities there?
Yea! I'm so glad that things finally got resolved and you're into your new house now! What a fiasco that was for you. It looks just perfect and how fun to pick out paint colors. I'm looking forward to your pics of the inside. On another note, I got to meet Livy for the first time last weekend when I was at Kynda's house and your parents were watching her. She is so cute--and so grown up! Kynda said you're loving Indianapolis and I'm so glad.
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